Surprise Blind Box Tutorials

What is ARC Finance Surprise Blind Box?

With the continuous development of blockchain technology, digital assets such as cryptocurrencies and NFTs have become an emerging way to invest. And the surprise blind box has become a fun way to invest that has been highly sought after in recent years. Combining these two elements, Arc Finance Surprise Blind Box is officially launched.

Arc Finance Surprise Blind Box is a more attractive program than the traditional NFT blind box, with the advantages of fair competition, low investment and high return, prize diversification, and high anonymity. With a small fixed amount of investment, it guarantees the fairness of user participation as well as privacy and security, increases the possibility of users getting up to 10 times more diverse rewards, and makes them devote themselves to the fun brought by Surprise Blind Box.

The surprise blind box covers coins, NFTs, whitelists, discount coupons and various benefits, which can only be unveiled after opening. All users are able to participate in the purchase and get the blind box at a fixed low price, and participate in the lucky draw with a chance to win prizes of up to 10 times the value.

The specific methods of operation are as follows:

1. Open the ARC Finance official website and click 【Connect Wallet】, select one of the supported wallets to connect, such as metamask.

2. Click【NFT】 - Surprise Boxabove to enter, in the surprise box【Collections】, you can see a variety of different blind boxes.

3. In blind box【Collections】, select 【Arc Finance】blind box section and click to enter.

4. In the 【Arc Finance】section, you can view Arc Finance surprise blind box’ name, brief introduction, the price and the quantity sold, and other related information,etc.

  1. Click 【Buy Now】and enter the quantity you want to buy and click 【Approve】 to purchase.

  1. Next, click【Buy Now】again to [confirm] your order in the order alert pop-up window of the connected wallet, and the order will be successfully completed when the payment is completed.

How do I view and operate the blind box that I have completed my purchase?

1. Click at the original 【Connect Wallet】to view the address of your logged-in wallet, click 【My Activities】and enter.

  1. Click 【My Activities】 to enter and click to select 【Surprise Box】 in the 【My Trade】section to see the surprise boxes I have purchased.

  1. Click on the surprise box icon to view the contents of the surprise box , the surprise box transaction history,and its more details. And you can choose either 【Approve and Open】 or 【SELL NOW】.

  1. If you click【Approve and Open】, after you confirm,you need to click【Open Box】, then you can view the specific rewards obtained in the surprise box reward pop-up window after clicking to confirm, then you can and the rewards will be automatically saved to the connected wallet address after clicking to confirm.

5. If you choose 【SELL NOW】, click to confirm and enter the number of surprise boxes you need to sell and the price for selling them. After you click 【Approve】, Then the blind box will be put up for sale and the proceeds will be automatically deposited to the connected wallet address after the sale is completed.

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