Digital Options

Arc Finance launches Web3 digitail options trading.

Arc Finance options are easy to operate, simple to learn and easy for users to get started. Arc Finance options trading is a short-term option, fast and timely trading, short trading time, there are a variety of trading time options such as 1min/5min/10min, settlement proceeds will be automatically deposited into the user's wallet, no need to deposit funds to the platform, to ensure the safety of user funds. Arc Finance options trading basic payout rate of 90%, higher than most platforms, increasing the interest of users trading. Arc Financ trading fair and transparent, using Link K-line chart, and to achieve each transaction on the chain to confirm the right, the platform does not have any control authority.

And Arc FInance launched a point-to-pool trading structure, users can not only participate in options trading as traders, but also invest in the dealer, so that the interests of all parties involved are maximized. Users can also use Tokens for mining while trading options in Arc Finance to increase additional revenue.

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